Project Puchki

Environmental awareness campaign impacting school students particularly empowering the girl child in rural India

Project Puchki is an initiative to maximize positive impact in the areas of soil and water conservation and fight stigma against menstrual hygiene awareness.

Puchki is the embodiment of girl child empowerment. It strives to kindle societal change at the grassroot levels through a comprehensive layered methodology. The aim is to bring about behavioural change and create awareness on the significance of sustainable living.

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  • Project Puchki
    Project Puchki is an initiative to create awareness and raise consciousness for sustainable living and environmental issues among...

Project Puchki

Project Puchki is an initiative to create awareness and raise consciousness for sustainable living and environmental issues among school children. The aim is to bring about behavioural change and create a learning space for them to understand the significance of sustainable living. It is an endeavour to kindle an advocacy of sustainable living in their communities. The project focuses on Water Conservation, Soil Conservation and Menstrual Hygiene Management. Classroom activities are designed to be highly interactive and fun; aiming at experiential learning and engaging with multiple senses of the students to encourage maximum participation and learning. It uses a combination of techniques such as dynamic games, story-telling, stories through visuals, experiments, small group exercises and discussions.

Through Puchki, earth&us has proactively undertaken an initiative that propagates the core values of environmental conservation with a substantial impact across the country seeping into the most rural areas.


Facilitator’s Guides to Environmental Sustainability

Puchki Brochure


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